INSPIRATION For The NEW MONTH Of NovemBER - Life is Precious
Life is Precious I know what frustration feels like I know how it feels to sick at heart While trying to do my best And enslaving myself To other people’s expectation I know how it feels To be accused of things I don’t even know about And to be repaid with bad for The good you did I know how it feels to be alone While everyone gleefully Join together to go against you And how they were glad When your in trouble That they gather gossip And spread it everywhere I know how it feels to sick at heart And to be worn out from sobbing Every night tears drench your bed And how your pillow wet from weeping I know how it feels to cry And ask yourself “Why God?” But I step out of that weakness And step up into strength That’s when I appreciate and value Life most I’d learnt To be grateful for every moment And while I strive for improvement I count my blessings… Do You Count YOURS? HappY NeW mONtH of NoVEMbER!!! You Shall Live to Testify The GoODneSS of the AlMIGHTY ...