The Cubans without a stable roof over their heads.pg2
Continuation,... She said solutions were sought over the years to provide better housing for the 10 families who lived there. An initial plan to reinforce and renovate the convent was ruled out. The families were then to be offered land and credit to build their own houses. But they say neither materialised. Now that the worst has happened, some cannot contain their anger. "They've been promising solutions for years. But it's all been lies and we're tired of it. Now we've lost a woman who was like a mother to me," Yurliany Tamayo cried, unusually vocal for Cuba. She says she managed to snatch her own child back from the edge, just in time. Ms Tamayo and the other residents are staying with friends for now; the authorities have yet to propose a more permanent solution. But as the digger continues its slow work shifting the rubble, there is already concern about the parts of the building still standing. "If they don't demolish this place now, ...