
Showing posts with the label scientific development.

Best Ways To Save Money On College Textbooks

As college tuitions are continuing to rise, so are the prices of textbooks. The U.S. Government Accountability Office reports that from 1986 to 2004, college textbook prices increased at twice the rate of inflation. projects that for 2015, college students face an average textbook cost of

Best Freelancing Jobs For Retirees

With a life expectancy now past 80 years, today’s retirees are more likely to die earlier of sheer boredom than of anything else if they don’t stay active. This is, after all, the baby boom generation we’re talking about. Is Mick Jagger playing shuffleboard? Is Bill Clinton going to bingo? No. But they don’t have anything to prove anymore. And neither do

How To Arrange An Installment Agreement For Taxes

Share this story Follow @LaNUBlog & @Hon_KingSIMEO on Twitter for Updates You probably make federal income tax payments during the year – either through withholding or estimated taxes – to meet the bill you expect on April 15. But sometimes, you may get a nasty surprise: additional taxes owed. One reason may be an

Profit From High Consumer Spending With Visa Card Or Mastercard

It seems that gasoline prices have been in a free fall in recent months, which hasn’t hurt the wallets of most consumers. This increase in discretionary income has the potential to be used towards credit card related transactions. Payment technology companies like Visa (V) and

The man driven mad by spiders

The new Application developed by a British psychiatrist aims to cure a fear of spiders. Sadly it's arrived more than a century late for poor James Payn. Author Jeremy Clay tells the shuddersome tale of the man trapped in a darkened train teeming with tarantulas.

10 ways you're killing your car

Your "check engine" light is your car's means of sitting you down for an intervention. It's trying to tell you that something's wrong and that you need to take action before it gets worse. If your "check engine" light could talk, it might want to hurl obscenities at you for ignoring it when it's only trying to help you out. If you're like many of us, you're just going to hope that little LED bulb burns itself out so you can go about your business. After all, how bad could it really be? You'd hear something, right? Then you could search "car banging noise" on YouTube and watch an instructional video on how to fix it yourself.

10 Tips on How to Get More Fans(Traffics) for Your Site/Blog

Content publishers all have the same goal in mind when it comes to building their website: get more followers! If done correctly, more followers can mean more loyal visitors and brand advocates of your site and content. Here are a few tips that have helped site owners grow the community around their content.

Lavabit loses contempt appeal

Lavabit was a secure email service that closed down last year A US appeals court has upheld a contempt of court ruling against Lavabit, the secure email service used by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Android devices await Heartbleed fix

Version 4.1.1 of Android Jelly Bean was released in 2012 Millions of Android devices remain vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug a week after the flaw was made public. Google announced last weekthat handsets and tablets running version 4.1.1 of its mobile operating system were at risk.

Robotic submarine to begin search of the Missing Flight MH370

Teams searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane are to deploy a robotic submarine for the first time. Search chief Angus Houston said the Bluefin-21 drone would be sent down as soon as possible to search for wreckage on the sea floor.

Modern-Day Noah Makes Tsunami-Proof Boat

From his backyard in Palo Alto, Calif., Chris Robinson is building a tsunami-proof capsule out of epoxy and plywood that he hopes will be strong enough to survive a tsunami and save the lives of those inside it.

Coffee Cups Inspire Breakthrough in Emergency Shelters

In reporting for this video blog the past year, I’ve learned that some of our most innovative ideas are hiding in plain sight. Case-in-point: The Exo Housing Unit, a rapid-response solution to supplying shelter to disaster victims. These lightweight, yet durable units made by Reaction are practical to deploy because they stack on top of each other like disposable coffee cups -- the very object that inspired the Exo's creation.

Heartbleed bug denial by NSA and White House

Minecraft-maker Mojang shut down game servers while vulnerable software was patched The US National Security Agency has denied it knew about or exploited the Heartbleed online security flaw.The denial came after a Bloomberg Newsreport alleging the NSA used the flaw in OpenSSL to harvest data.OpenSSL is online-data scrambling software used to protect data such as passwords sent online.

What is Lithium and What is All About?

Lithium is a Metal Element found primarily in molten rock and saltwater, its a Alkali metal with the atomic number 3, its Flammable and highly reactive, it is the lightest of all metals, its Used in heat-resistant glass, alloys for aircraft building, and red fireworks. It is Also useful as a mood-stabilising drug Limits on energy density are not the only problem, because it is not the only thing you care about in a battery.

How a lithium-ion battery works

A. It is conventional with lithium batteries to refer to the negative electrode as the anode, and the positive electrode as the cathode. The two electrodes, with an electrically insulating separator between them, are often rolled up like a Swiss roll.

Heartbleed Bug: Tech firms urge password reset

Users are being encouraged to change their passwords on sites that have tackled the bug Several tech firms are urging people to change all their passwords after the discovery of a major security flaw. The Yahoo blogging platform Tumblr has advised the publicto "change your passwords everywhere - especially your high-security services like email, file storage and banking".

Phone Battery that charges within 30-seconds

The demo showed off a much larger battery than could eventually be incorporated in phones A battery that can charge in under 30 seconds has been shown off at a technology conference in Tel Aviv. Israeli start-up StoreDot displayed the device - made of biological structures - at Microsoft's Think Next Conference.

Scramble to fix huge 'heartbleed' security bug

The researchers who discovered the bug publicised their findings via the web A bug in software used by millions of web servers could have exposed anyone visiting sites they hosted to spying and eavesdropping, say researchers. The bug is in a software library used in servers, operating systems and email and instant messaging systems.

Aggression from video games 'linked to incompetence' HOW?

Researchers made a modified, non-violent version of Half-Life 2 as part of the study Feelings of aggression after playing video games are more likely to be linked to game play mechanics rather than violent content, a study suggests. Researchers carried out a range of tests, including making a non-violent version of popular game Half-Life 2.

Spider invasion kicked off Mazda software fix

The yellow sac spider is attracted to the smell of petrol Petrol-sniffing spiders have forced Mazda to issue a voluntary recall notice so it can apply a software fix to its cars. The yellow sac spider is attracted to the smell of petrol, and will weave its web in engines, causing a blockage and build-up of pressure. The problem increased the risk of fire, Mazda said.